fight for the faith
Jude 1:3
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Why do
Welcome to the War

At this point in history, the Body of Christ needs to wake up and recognize the fact that we are in a Spiritual Warfare (Eph 6:12) which has eternal consequences for us and everyone we encounter. We were born into this conflict, live in this conflict, and will die in this conflict unless Christ returns first. Christ commanded us to preach the Gospel (Mk 16:15) and disciple the nations (Mat 28:19-20). All we do is in support of that mission statement. Join us, as we strive to fight the good fight of faith together!
Listen to Warriors Rising
What does it mean to follow Jesus? Have you considered the true cost of discipleship? Do you want to be passionate and truly on fire for the Lord in worship, study, and spiritual warfare? Although short, Onslaught of Ekklesia was written as a challenge for every believer to fully walk out God's calling for their lives.
Available on Amazon
Free Electronic Copy of Onslaught of Ekklesia

Statement of Faith
I believe that the God of Israel is the one true living God and the Creator of all things. Within the nature of the one God are 3 distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit.
We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. However, anyone who desires to be reconciled to God and brought into relationship with Him can do so by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
I believe Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life; and as the promised Messiah of Israel, died as the Passover Lamb for the world, and came to life on the third day. It is only through Him that we are forgiven of our sins, justified, and declared righteous before God, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in righteousness.
When we respond positively to God's life giving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we die to ourselves and are born again as a new creation in Christ. from that moment every believer is now a soldier of CHrist, entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation, and is commissioned to actively partake AND support the preaching of the gospel and discipling of the nations
The Bible is God's inspired word and is the absolute authority for doctrine, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work, and by it we test all things